[Coral-List] Quantify Dust Amounts

Lester Lambert lesterhl5487 at hotmail.com
Tue May 17 03:58:17 UTC 2005

              Iron  rich Saharan Dust from the Northern Regions of Africa
   is  constantly  blown westward to the Caribbean Sea every year.  It is
   widely believed that this soil, or rather dust, has caused the massive
   drop  in  biodiversity  in  Caribbean reefs.  I would like to know how
   much  Saharan  soil  is usually present within a section of reef.  For
   instance,  how  much  may  be present within 1 square yard or 1 sqaure
   meter?   I  am  trying  to quantify the amount of Saharan Dust a coral
   colony may come into contact during the hurricane season. THANK YOU

   Lester Lambert
   H.S. student
   Erasmus Hall Campus H.S. in NYC

   Email me at: [1]lesterhl5487 at hotmail.com

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