[Coral-List] Yahoo! News Story - Bahrain May Build Sea Horse-Shaped Island - Yahoo! News

Vanese Flood vanesef at yahoo.com
Fri May 13 12:39:22 UTC 2005

Hey Listers,
Would be interested in hearing comments from those in
the know on this and other potentially damaging land
"reclamation" projects.
Vanese Flood

Some quotes from the yahoo news story:
"But the plan is already raising concerns it will bury
a coral reef and cause other damage to the fragile
marine environment, which supports a wide
variety of species — including sea horses... 
"A third of the country's coral reefs have already
been destroyed over the past two decades by
reclamation and waterfront development, al-Qaseer
"The developer of the Dubai project said it was trying
to counteract some of the damage by building
artificial reefs, where, it said, sea life will

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