Coral Researchplan coral.researchplan at noaa.gov
Thu May 12 21:20:04 UTC 2005

*** Request for Comments on NOAA Coral Ecosystem Research Plan -- Part II: Regional Priorities ***

Re:    Request for Review of the NOAA Coral Ecosystem Research Plan Part II: Regional Priorities (version 05/12/05)

NOAA Coral Ecosystem Research Plan
http://www.nurp.noaa.gov/Docs/Part II_Regional_NOAA Coral Research Plan_051205.pdf

Template for Reviewer Comments


The purpose of this listing is to request your comments on the NOAA Coral Ecosystem Research Plan Part II: Regional Priorities.  Please provide your comments by June 9, 2005.


The NOAA Coral Ecosystem Research Plan Part II: Regional Priorities (version 05/12/05) can be accessed at
http://www.nurp.noaa.gov/Docs/Part II_Regional_NOAA Coral Research Plan_051205.pdf

At this time, we are requesting your comments on this work in progress. Please provide high-level comments and specific text for insertion into the plan.  No word-smithing, please.  

We are looking for input on:

- general concepts and specific research priorities linked to management objectives that are missing or misdirected.  

We are requesting your comments by June 9,2005 to coral.researchplan at noaa.gov using the template.

As additional input for subsequent planning documents, we are also requesting information to the extent that it is now available on ongoing research that addresses one of the research needs identified in the document, including principal investigator and project title.



The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is a science-based agency serving a large and diverse community of users and stakeholders.  NOAA has identified research as a major crosscutting priority for the agency, demonstrating its firm commitment to support high-quality research to underpin its environmental assessment,prediction, and ecosystem management missions.

In an effort to provide coastal and ocean managers with high priority scientific information to help conserve, protect, restore, and sustain coral reef ecosystems, the NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program is developing a research plan to guide NOAA-supported coral ecosystem

Purpose of the Research Plan

The purpose of the NOAA Coral Ecosystem Research Plan is to set priorities and guide NOAA-supported coral ecosystem research for FY 2005 through FY 2010, including research conducted through extramural partners, grants, and contracts.

Scope of the Research Plan

The NOAA Coral Ecosystem Research Plan covers all coral reef ecosystems under the jurisdiction of the United States; and is written for a broad audience, including resource managers, scientists, policy makers, and the public.

Research Plan Framework

The NOAA Coral Ecosystem Research Plan is presented in two sections: (1)Part I: National Research Priorities; and (2) Part II: Regional Research Priorities.

Part I is national in scope - and identifies (1) the role of research in management, including a review of the major stressors and threats facing coral reef ecosystems and an overview of
stressor-associated research priorities; (2) the role of mapping and monitoring in management-driven research programs;(3) a discussion of the tools and technologies necessary to conduct research and to manage ecosystems (4) a discussion of the importance of transferring science and technology into operations; and (5) the importance of using strategic outreach and education to translate research results to improve management decisions.

Part II is regional in scope and reviews the major stressors for each region, identifies key management objectives specific to the region, and the research priorities for the next five years to help address the stated management objectives.  Each jurisdiction listed under Part II
includes a list of specific management objectives followed by linked research priorities.

****Part I and II are being developed on separate timelines.  At this time, we are only asking for your review of Part II: Regional Priorities.****

For more information or questions, please contact Kimberly Puglise at (301) 713-2427 x199 or e-mail coral.researchplan at noaa.gov

A copy of the Research Plan (version 12/9/04) can be accessed at
http://www.nurp.noaa.gov/Docs/Part II_Regional_NOAA Coral Research Plan_051205.pdf

and the template for comments is accessible at

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