[Coral-List] Vicki Harriot Memorial Fund Notice
Miss Maria GOMEZ
klegomez at uq.edu.au
Mon May 9 23:16:58 UTC 2005
Apologies for cross postings
Australian Coral Reef Society
Donations sought for the Vicki Harriott Memorial Student Prize
In recognition of the special contribution to coral reef research by Dr Vicki Harriott, marine biologist and educator who passed away on 3 March 2005, the Australian Coral Reef Society Council has established the Vicki Harriott Memorial Student Prize. The prize will be presented each year at the ACRS Annual Scientific conference for the best student presentation. The ACRS Council has established a dedicated fund to support this prize and invites colleagues and friends of Vicki’s to donate to the memorial fund so that Vicki’s great contribution towards marine science and education can be acknowledged and remembered. Your help is now sought so that sufficient funds can be raised to enable this prize to be awarded in perpetuity - to achieve this, the ACRS Council has set a fund-raising target of AU$10,000 (ten thousand Australian dollars).
A specific bank account has been established by the ACRS Council so that donors may contribute directly to the fund. Details are provided below. You can make your payment via the internet and in doing so can opt to record your name as donor. Alternatively, you can make a deposit at any branch of the Westpac Bank, and ask for a reference number for your payment. A third option is to send a cheque or money order to the ACRS made payable to the “ACRS Vicki Harriott Award Fund”.
Bank: Westpac Banking Corporation
Account Name: ACRS Vicki Harriott Award Fund
BSB Number: 034061
Account Number: 221697
SWIFT identification: WPACAU2S (for contributions from outside Australia)
A tribute to Vicki Harriott can be found at the following address http://www.australiancoralreefsociety.org/vicki_harriot.htm. Thank you for your support.
Prof. Michael Kingsford
Australian Coral Reef Society
Mailing address for contributions:
Centre for Marine Studies
The University of Queensland
St Lucia, QLD 4072
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