[Coral-List] 10ICRS Proceedings Instrucutions

hyamano at nies.go.jp hyamano at nies.go.jp
Mon May 9 22:27:32 UTC 2005

Dear coral-listers,

Excuse me for posting the message to 10ICRS Proceedings authors and 
conveners, but I assume many people in this list would remenber 10ICRS in 

Accepted papers are going into the formatting stage. However, we, the 
10ICRS program committee, found that the instructions of the paper format 
was insufficient. We revised the instructions and uploaded them to our web 
site. Please have a look and prepare the final, formatted version for the 


Click and download
 - Instruction for formatting 10ICRS papers (pdf) 
 - Example of 10ICRS paper format(pdf) 
in the left menu.

Thank you for cooperation,

Hiroya Yamano

Hiroya Yamano
UR 128 CoReUs, Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement
BP A5 98848 Noumea Cedex, Nouvelle-Caledonie
Tel: +687 26 07 19, Fax: +687 26 43 26
Also at NIES

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