[Coral-List] Uplifted coral reefs

Robert Buddemeier buddrw at kgs.ku.edu
Mon May 9 17:42:17 UTC 2005

Just a reminder that the corals themselves can tell us about the event, 
and our knowledge of the event permits us to learn more about corals --- 
Fred Taylor and his group did some very nice work on recently uplifted 
reefs in Melanesia in the 70s.  See references below (plus another one 
or two on reefs and seismicity); a somewhat degraded version of a 
picture Fred sent me portraying one of their study sites is posted at 

Buskirk, R. E., TAylor, F. W., O'Brien, W. P., Maillet, P., and Gilpin, 
L., 1981, Seasonal growth patterns and mortality of corals in the New 
Hebrides (Vanuatu), in Fourth International Coral Reef Symposium, 
Manila, p. 197-300.

Taylor, F. W., Frohlich, C., Lecolle, J., and Strecker, M., 1987, 
Analysis of Partially Emerged Corals and Reef Terraces in the Central 
Vanuatu Arc: Comparison of Contemporary Coseismic and Nonseismic with 
Quaternary Vertical Movements: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 92, 
no. B6, p. 4905-4933.

Taylor, F. W., Isacks, B. L., Jouannic, C., Bloom, A. L., and Dubois, 
J., 1980, Coseismic and Quaternary vertical tectonic movements, Santo 
and Malekula Islands, New Hebrides island arc.: Journal of Geophysical 
Research, v. 85, p. 5367-5381.

Taylor, F. W., Jouannic, C., Gilpin, L., and Bloom, A. L., 1981, Coral 
colonies as monitors of change in relative level of the land and the 
sea: applications to vertical tectonism, in Fourth International Coral 
Reef Symposium, Manila, p. 485-492.

Buddemeier, R. W. and Taylor, F. W.  1998. Sclerochronology, in: Noller, 
J. S, Sowers, J.M., and Lettis, W. R.,  Dating and Earthquakes: Review 
of Quaternary Geochronology: and Its Application to Paleoseismology: U. 
S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NUREG/CR-5562, pp. 2-43 to 2-66.

Tudhope, A. W.,   Buddemeier, R. W., Chilcott, C.P., Berryman, K. R., 
Fautin, D. G., Jebb, M., Lipps, J. H., Pearce. R. G.,
Scoffin, T. P., and Shimmield, G. P., 2000, Alternating seismic uplift 
and subsidence in the late Holocene at Madang, Papua New Guinea: 
Evidence from raised reefs. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth 

Bob Buddemeier

Dr. Robert W. Buddemeier
Kansas Geological Survey
University of Kansas
1930 Constant Avenue
Lawrence, KS 66047 USA
e-mail: buddrw at ku.edu
ph (1) (785) 864-2112
fax (1) (785) 864-5317 

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