[Coral-List] uplifted corals

Gene Shinn eshinn at usgs.gov
Mon May 9 13:50:33 UTC 2005

Dear Serge,  Bob Morton of our office just returned with the ground 
truth photos of the uplifted reefs. They are quite extensive,( dozens 
of km2) There will be more ground truth coming. I am sending you a 
few of Bobs photos. Possibly there will soon be a website of photos 
that can be posted on the list.  Gene


No Rocks, No Water, No Ecosystem (EAS)
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http://coastal.er.usgs.gov/african_dust/  		                       |
E. A. Shinn
email  eshinn at usgs.gov
USGS Center for Coastal Geology     |
600 4th St. South                   | voice  (727) 803-8747 x3030
St.Petersburg, FL  33701            | fax    (727) 803-2032
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