[Coral-List] surveys in N Sumatra on uplifted reefs

Silvia Pinca milviapin at yahoo.com
Sun May 8 04:34:29 UTC 2005

Gene and listers,
Thank you for the note and the link. A team of scientists actually surveyed those areas in Northern Sumatra last February and photographed the uplifted reefs as well as collected information from both outside and underwater reefs.
Results have been submitted to "Coral Reefs".
Thank you
"There has been much discussion on the coral-list 
about tsunami 
effects on coral reefs in Indonesia but how many 
know of the 
extensive reef areas around Sumatra that were 
uplifted (100 percent 
as much as 2.5 meters by the more recent 
earthquake?  To see a 
portion of the uplifted reefs, recently surveyed 
by USGS geologists, 
see the satellite images at, 


Silvia Pinca, Ph.D.
Marine Science Program Coordinator
College of the Marshall Islands
P.O. Box 1258, Majuro, MH 96960
ph. (692)-625-5903
spinca at nras-conservation.org
milviapin at yahoo.com
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