[Coral-List] New Funding Opportunity

Helen Golde Helen.Golde at noaa.gov
Thu May 5 19:56:04 UTC 2005

The Climate and Global Change Program FY 2006 Federal Register
Announcement includes a call for proposals under the new Sector
Applications Research Program (SARP). The SARP objectives include: a)
The provision of new or synthesized science-based knowledge that results
in the identification and reduction of vulnerability to climate
variability and change in key socio-economic sectors; b) The enhanced
and increasingly sophisticated use of climate information, including
forecasts, in decision making; and c) The development of a research and
operations agenda that increasingly meets the need of the Nation and
NOAA through an understanding by scientists and science managers of
stakeholder requirements.

Within this overall program framework, we have identified "climate and
coasts" and "climate and water resources" as the key focal areas for the
2006 SARP FRN.  From a programmatic perspective, each of these sector
areas can be viewed as organizing/integrating systems that serve as a
plane for understanding and addressing many complex socio-economic
issues which are influenced by climate. We anticipate that proposals,
then, could span a range of topics within each of the coastal and water
resource sectors, including urban development,transboundary resources,
ecosystems, natural hazards, transportation,etc.  

The formal process and deadlines associated with applying to the SARP
can be found at www.ogp.noaa.gov (the first one is coming up on May 20),
and the SARP information sheet (which
goes into more detail about specific program dimensions) is attached to
this email.

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