[Coral-List] physician offering services to coral reef science expeditions

Hafeez Jamal hjwaves at gmail.com
Wed May 4 14:47:54 UTC 2005


My name is Dr. Hafeez Jamal; I am a recently inaugurated Family
Physician with a background in Environmental Sciences and a PADI Open
Water certification.

I am looking this summer to expand my understanding of coral reef
ecology and conservation.

In the hopes of finding a hands-on learning experience in this area, I
am offering my services as a physician for a coral reef research team
in exchange for room, board and diving privileges.

My longterm interests are in Coastal Development and sustainable
design.  I am very fond of reefs and would like to incorporate efforts
towards their conservation (and education of the public) into my
career plans.

I am a hardworking, dedicated, and passionate individual; I learn
quickly and would love to be a part of the research endeavour in any

Looking forward to your reply,



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