[Coral-List] Test for gambierotoxin-4A in algal film

Gomelyuk, Victor victor.gomelyuk at PLMBAY.PWCNT.NT.GOV.AU
Wed May 4 03:52:56 UTC 2005

I am interested in finding out if any laboratory tests are available to
check for presence of gambierotoxin-4A (ciguatoxin predecessor) in algal
film covering dead corals killed by coral bleaching. If chemical tests for
gambierotoxin-4A are not available may be someone can detect presence of
micro algae Gambierodiscus toxicus in algal film?



Dr Victor Gomelyuk

Parks & Wildlife Service of the Northern Territory

PO Box 496 


ph: 08 89994820

fax: 08 89994793



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