[Coral-List] Re: vulnerability and marine reserves

Kathleen A Kelly Kathleen.A.Kelly at noaa.gov
Mon May 2 18:56:39 UTC 2005

Mohammad Reza Shokri asked for info on vulnerability and marine conservation planning, especially with selection of marine reserves.

Please see the MPA Virtual Library. In the keywords field, do two searches: one for 'vulnerable' the other for 'vulnerability'.


See also the publications of James Sanchirico (associate editor of 
Marine Resource Economics):

Kathy Kelly
Marine-Protected Areas (MPA) Librarian
NOAA Central Library
1315 East-West Highway
SSMC-3, 2nd Floor, E/OC4
Silver Spring, MD 20910
301-713-2607 x117
kathleen.a.kelly at noaa.gov

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