[Coral-List] New Dates - 9th Virgin Islands NPS Conference
Elizabeth Ban
elizabeth.ban at aya.yale.edu
Mon May 2 14:45:48 UTC 2005
Apologies for cross-postings -
Call for Papers
We have rescheduled the 9th Virgin Islands Nonpoint Source Pollution Conference to be held November 28-30 at the Westin Resort in St. John, USVI. Information on the Conference can be found at the website: www.usvircd.org/NPSconf.html
Please note - if you have previously submitted an abstract and are interested in presenting at the conference in November, please contact Anita Nibbs at 340-773-1082 and let her know your name and the title of your abstract.
The 9th Virgin Islands Nonpoint Source Pollution Conference Planning Committee announces a Call for Presentations. You are cordially invited to submit abstracts to present information on implementing and/or adapting environmentally-friendly practices to reduce or prevent pollution of terrestrial and marine environments in the Caribbean region. Topics of particular interest include:
Watershed Management
Coastal Management
Government Initiatives
Low-Impact Development / Best Management Practices
Land Use / Island Planning
Nonpoint Source Pollution Education & Outreach
Abstract proposals for training seminars, oral and poster presentations will be accepted by the Conference Planning Committee until August 1, 2005.
The Planning Committee is also soliciting Product and Information Exhibits focusing on the theme or topics of interest mentioned above These are also due by August 1, 2005.
For details on submitting seminar, paper, poster, exhibit and display abstracts, contact Anita Nibbs at the VI Department of Planning and Natural Resources 340-773-1082 or nibbs.anita at vidpnr-dep.org
Elizabeth Ban
Marine Advisor
Virgin Islands Marine Advisory Service
Center for Marine & Environmental Studies
University of the Virgin Islands
No. 2 John Brewer's Bay
St. Thomas, VI 00802-9990
340-693-1392 (p)
340-693-1395 (f)
eban at uvi.edu
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