[Coral-List] dredging in/near seagrass beds
Paul Erftemeijer
paul.erftemeijer at wldelft.nl
Mon May 2 06:19:24 UTC 2005
Dear subscribers,
I am presently working on a global review paper on environmental impacts of
dredging on seagrass beds. I am looking for documented cases (from anywhere
in the world) of dredging activities and/or dumping of dredged materials as
well as sand mining operations in seagrass areas. I would greatly appreciate
receiving any information on the following:
- documented cases of dredging, dumping of dredged material or sand mining
in or near seagrass beds (incl. references, year and location of activity,
scale, purpose);
- information on damage to the seagrass bed (e.g. hectares lost/degraded,
type of seagrass bed affected, etc.);
- information on mitigation measures taken to minimize impacts to seagrass
- information about restrictions, permits, regulations, dredging criteria
etc. that applied;
- cases of damage compensation and/or post-dredging restoration efforts;
- information regarding the costs related to mitigation measures, permits
restrictions/criteria, compensation, restoration, and monitoring
- information about natural recovery of the seagrass meadows after dredging
or sand mining was completed / stopped (how successful, how many years does
it take, etc.)
Cases of dredging in/near seagrass areas where no damage was incurred are
also of particular interest (especially where damage was prevented by
establishing certain restrictions or mitigation measures).
The main aim of the paper is to provide a global picture of the scale of
this issue, to give a realistic account of what does and what does not
happen, and to summarize ways to cope with / minimize the impacts and of the
(extra) costs this brings.
I am already aware of the following major case studies:
- Oresund (Denmark)
- Laguna Madre (Texas, USA)
- Section Bank (Australia)
I would really appreciate your help. I look forward to many replies. Your
contributions will be acknowledged in the paper.
With best regards,
Paul Erftemeijer
Dr. Paul L.A. Erftemeijer
senior advisor marine ecology
WL | delft hydraulics
P.O. Box 177
2600 MH Delft
The Netherlands
Tel: (+31) 015-2858924
Fax: (+31) 015-2858718
E-mail: paul.erftemeijer at wldelft.nl
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