[Coral-List] Sea cucumber fishery in Kenya

Gregor Hodgson gregorh at reefcheck.org
Sun May 1 00:46:07 UTC 2005

[Coral-List] Sea cucumber fishery in KenyaRuth,

Reef Check tracks a couple of species of holothurians collected and we do
have some data from Africa available at www.ReefCheck.org/datamanagement.
The SPC publication on this subject may be the best field guide. See their
website at: http://www.spc.org.nc/coastfish/news/BDM/21/

Gregor Hodgson, PhD
Executive Director, Reef Check Foundation
P.O. Box 1057 (mail)
17575 Pacific Coast Highway (Fedex)
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272-1057
Tel: +1-310-230-2371 Fax: +1-310-230-2376
email: gregorh at reefcheck.org
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  -----Original Message-----
  From: Ruth Beadle [mailto:R.A.Beadle at newcastle.ac.uk]
  Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2005 6:09 AM
  To: coral-list at coral.aoml.noaa.gov
  Subject: [Coral-List] Sea cucumber fishery in Kenya

  I don't know if anyone is able to help me with this, but I am due to go
  out to Kenya in under a week to carry out social research on the
  holothurian fishery in Kenya. I am trying to get hold of any information
  (especially pictures) regarding the species which they fish and then
  export to the Asian market.

  Any information would be gratefully appreciated

  Many thanks


  Ruth Beadle

  R.A.Beadle at ncl.ac.uk

  MSc Tropical Coastal Management
  Course Director: Dr Nick Polunin

  School of Marine Science & Technology
  Ridley Building,
  University of Newcastle upon Tyne
  NE1 7RU, U.K.

  T: +44 (0)7748 968 870

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