[Coral-List] Post-doc position modelling Caribbean reefs

Jim Hendee Jim.Hendee at noaa.gov
Mon Jan 31 11:51:45 UTC 2005

-------- Original Message --------
Date: 	Mon, 31 Jan 2005 08:47:11 -0000
From: 	Peter J Mumby <P.J.Mumby at exeter.ac.uk>
To: 	<coral-list-owner at coral.aoml.noaa.gov>

subject: Post-doc position modelling Caribbean reefs

Applications are invited for a two year post-doctoral position at the
University of Exeter (UK) modelling the effects of climate change on
Caribbean coral reefs. The post-doc will develop an existing model of
coral-algal-grazer-disturbance interactions and extend it to seascape
scales, embracing the connectivities across lagoon and reef habitats. The
post-doc will also liase with collaborators in the integration of ecological
and socio-economic models of ecosystem services.

Applications are invited from individuals with a track record in spatial
modelling. The position does not involve field work but a familiarity with
coral reef dynamics would be  advantageous. The successful candidate should
be proficient in programming Matlab, R, or C. A background in theoretical
ecology and Bayesian statistics would also be beneficial.

The position will start within the next few months (negotiable) and
applications are invited by postal mail. Feel free to e-mail me for further
details but I'd prefer to receive applications by post. Please include a CV,
covering letter of your research background and an example of your modelling
work (e.g. reprints). The closing date for applications is Feb 18th.


Dr Peter J Mumby
Royal Society Research Fellow
Corresponding Secretary, ISRS

Marine Spatial Ecology Lab
School of Biological Sciences
Hatherly Laboratory
Prince of Wales Road
University of Exeter

tel: + 44 (0)1392 263798
fax: + 44 (0)1392 263700
e-mail: p.j.mumby at exeter.ac.uk

Research: http://www.ex.ac.uk/msel

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