[Coral-List] Benthic Ecology Mtg 2005
Rom Lipcius
rom at vims.edu
Mon Jan 24 20:17:29 UTC 2005
The Virginia Institute of Marine Science invites you to participate in the
34th Annual Benthic Ecology Meeting to be held on April 6-10, 2005 at the
Williamsburg Hospitality House in attractive and centrally located
Williamsburg, Virginia. The conference will serve as a forum for hundreds
of scientists, environmental professionals, graduate students, and
undergraduates to update colleagues on the latest research developments in
the field of benthic ecology and related areas. We intend to bring
together researchers from throughout the United States as well as abroad to
join in scientific discussion and social interactions. The last benthic
meeting held in Williamsburg had over 600 participants, so don't miss this
exciting event. We will be accepting abstracts for both oral and poster
presentations until January 30th, 2005. Please visit our meeting website
at: http://www.vims.edu/bem2005/ for more information.
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