[Coral-List] Red Sea Coral Reef (clarification)

gcesarello at aol.com gcesarello at aol.com
Fri Jan 14 22:37:29 UTC 2005

Hello Listers,
I would like to thank you for the numerous emails I received.
I probably created a little bit of confusion not specifying some important  
Sorry I should have paid more attention.
In my email I was referring to the Benchmark pilot project (5 years) for  
Remote Sensing Technology and the World Bank (GEF) for the monitoring of Coral  
Red Sea (egypt) is not in the list of the countries in which the benchmark  
studies will be done. 
Thanks for those who remarked the point.
Best regards,
Giancarlo  Cesarello      _gcesarel at fes.uwaterloo.ca_ 
(mailto:gcesarel at fes.uwaterloo.ca)  
Ph.D.  Program - Marine Environments Remote Sensing
Padi DM 209738
Department of  Geography 
_University of Waterloo_ (http://www.uwaterloo.ca/)   
Waterloo,  Ontario           Phone: (519)  888-4567 ext. 7573
Canada N2L  3G1           Fax: (519)  888-6768

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