[Coral-List] historial sea-surface temperature

Martin Pêcheux martin.pecheux at free.fr
Sat Aug 13 08:57:11 UTC 2005

Dear Ryan,

Probably the best SST historical reconstruction is from the Hadley center. All datasets (see also ERSST) are using almost the same raw data, and you must be aware that they used several     automatic extrapolations to fullfilled gridded data (mostly flagging data and multispace trend analysis). HadISST began in 1971 and has a
resolution of monthly 1°x1° with 0.01°C precision (I don't know what is WA to AK). There are user software but you can get the data in ASCII table, up to you to manipulate them. Access it at:

badc.nerc.ac.uk, search for "Met Office - HadISST1.1", etc

You have to apply and describe very shortly your research, and engage you not to diffuse the data, but there is no problem.
Take care not to use one value as true. There is no published (and seemingly informal) evaluation of the accuracy. I would say it is 0.3°C, by nose.


-- Dr. Martin Pêcheux (IPCC Expert)
Institut des Foraminifères Symbiotiques
16, rue de la Fontaine de l'Espérance, 92160 Antony, France
martin.pecheux at free.fr
+33(0) 8711 804 32
Publications at  www.reefbase.org in which Review on Bleaching, 214p.

So who but who can tell me why tropics are diverse ? and bingo, coloured ?

XX % REDUCTION OF HUMAN CO2 SOURCES IN YEAR 20XX      "xx less CO2 in 20xx"

Ryan Norris a *crit :

> Does anyone know where I can obtain data on sea-surface temperatures from 1880-present for multiple locations off the west coast of North America (WA to AK).  I tried the NOAA-CDC Kaplan SST dataset but I'm not familar with the program to upload these data. Is this the only option? Any information would be great. Thanks, Ryan
> --
> ********************************************
> Ryan Norris Ph.D.
> NSERC and Killam Postdoctoral Fellow
> Centre for Applied Conservation Research
> Department of Forest Sciences
> University of British Columbia
> 3041-2424 Main Mall
> Vancouver, B.C.
> V6T 1Z4 Canada
> Tel: (604) 827-5843
> Fax: (604) 822-9102
> e-mail: rnorris at interchange.ubc.ca

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