[Coral-List] Management for Mass Coral Bleaching
Heidi Schuttenberg
Heidi.Schuttenberg at noaa.gov
Wed Feb 25 12:16:05 UTC 2004
We are extremely interested in learning about management interventions
that have been planned or implemented in response to mass coral
bleaching. We are finalizing a draft of The Managers Guide to
Bleaching, a publication that aims to synthesize existing knowledge
about managing reefs for mass bleaching. We want to confirm that we
have not missed any management actions that are being implemented by
reef managers around the world, and potentially identify 1 or 2
additional case studies. Specifically we are interested in:
1) Management interventions implemented to prevent reefs from bleaching,
e.g. shading reefs;
2) Management interventions implemented to promote reef survivorship
during bleaching, e.g. changes in tourism use during a bleaching event;
3) Management interventions implemented to promote reef recovery after
bleaching-related mortality, e.g. changes in fishery management to
increase herbivores;
4) Management actions implemented to promote long-term reef resilience,
e.g. identifying areas of resistance and resilience to bleaching for
protection through a network of MPAs.
Your experiences in managing reefs for mass bleaching will be most
Best regards,
Heidi Schuttenberg and Paul Marshall
Heidi Schuttenberg
Coral Reef Specialist - National Marine Sanctuary Program,
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, USA
on detail with the
Research & Monitoring Coordination Unit
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
PO Box 1379
Townsville QLD 4810
Ph: 07 4750 0709
Fax: 07 4772 6093
emails: h.schuttenberg at gbrmpa.gov.au
heidi.schuttenberg at noaa.gov
Dr Paul Marshall
Climate Change Program
Research & Monitoring Co-ordination Unit
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
PO Box 1379
Townsville QLD 4810
email: p.marshall at gbrmpa.gov.au
phone: 07 4750 0771
fax: 07 4772 6093
mobile:0428 889 812
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