[Coral-List] Great Barrier Reef Status Report

Hugh Sweatman h.sweatman at aims.gov.au
Thu Dec 9 01:05:57 UTC 2004

   Status  Report  6 (to 2003) from the AIMS Long-term Monitoring Program
   is now available in pdf format from the AIMS website.
   For access, go to: [1]www.aims.gov.au/reef-monitoring
   and click on "Project Information"
   The   full   report  is  available  on  CD,  and  includes  video  and
   photographs.  If you would like a copy of the extended mix, contact me
   with a mailing address.
   Hugh Sweatman

   Dr Hugh Sweatman
   Long Term Monitoring Program,
   Australian Institute of Marine Science,
   PMB3 Townsville MC, Qld 4810
   ph: (07) 4753 4470 / +61 747 534470 [GMT +10]
   fax: (07) 4772 5852
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   1. http://www.aims.gov.au/reef-monitoring
   2. http://www.aims.gov.au/reef-monitoring

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