FW: [Fwd: NOAA Seeks Comments on Ways to Restore Injured Coral and Seagrass]

Cheva Heck Cheva.Heck at noaa.gov
Wed Feb 26 20:34:10 UTC 2003

Hi, Bill.

I appreciate your keeping the list informed, but I believe you unfortunately
obtained an earlier version of this notice that contains two errors. First
of all, we are obviously holding "scoping" meetings, as opposed to
"scooping" meetings, although I am sure our local reporters would be
appreciative if these meetings produced some scoops. Second, as I'm sure
G.P. Schmahl will agree, Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary is
off the Texas coast, not the Texas cost. Sorry, G.P.!

I apologize for the errors.


"Precht, Bill" wrote:

> FYI - See Below
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 26, 2003
> CONTACT:    Cheva Heck
>                        Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
>                        305.292.0311, ext. 26
>                        305.304.0179 (cell)
> NOAA Seeks Comments on Ways to Restore Injured Coral and Seagrass
> The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will host two public
> scooping meetings to obtain input on proposed methods to restore or
> replace coral and seagrass habitat destroyed by incidents such as boat
> groundings or anchor damage.
> NOAA is preparing programmatic environmental impact statements (PEIS) that
> describe methods and guidelines for coral and seagrass restoration
> projects in the Florida Keys and Flower Garden Banks (off the Texas cost)
> national marine sanctuaries. Preparing these statements will help speed
> preparation of environmental assessments and individual restoration plans
> for specific sites and contribute to faster restoration of injured coral
> and seagrass areas.
> NOAA is also accepting written comments on the documents through April 15,
> 2003. NOAA expects to complete both the coral and seagrass environmental
> impact statements by March 2004.
> What:  Public scoping meetings on coral and seagrass restoration
> techniques
> When: Thursday, March 6, 2003
>   Afternoon meeting: 2:00 to 4:00 pm.
>   Evening meeting: 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
> Where:  Marathon Garden Club, 5270 Overseas Highway, gulfside.
> Contact: Harriet Sopher, 301.713.3145, ext. 109 or
> harriet.sopher at noaa.gov.
>                                    ###

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