Coral Disease course application deadline

Erich Mueller emueller at
Mon Mar 19 22:41:25 UTC 2001


Advanced Courses in Tropical Marine Sciences
Mote Marine Laboratory's Center for Tropical Research
7-15 July, 2001

The following course is being offered for advanced undergraduates and
graduate students. Working professionals desiring to gain current
information in these topic areas are also encouraged to apply. The course
takes a hands-on approach and addresses topical issues. The course will be
limited to 12 students.


Diseases of Corals and Other Reef Organisms
Esther C. Peters, Ph.D., and Robert B. Jonas, Ph.D.
George Mason University

Description: During the last two decades, the potential for severe impacts
to coral reef populations and communities from the effects of various
diseases has been recognized. Diseases have been described affecting
corals, fish, coralline algae, and sea urchins, sometimes with
wide-ranging effects. This course will introduce students to the field of
pathobiology of marine organisms. The focus of lectures, dives and
laboratory sessions will be on diseases affecting hard corals, but
information will also be presented on diseases of other reef organisms.
Methods of studying diseases will include collection of field monitoring
data and physiological, histological and microbiological techniques. The
course will provide students with a state-of-the-art overview of reef
pathobiology, experience with relevant techniques, and an understanding of
the need for a multidisciplinary approach to its study.

Prerequisites: College level biology courses and SCUBA certification are
required. Divers must meet AAUS standards for "Diver-in-Training" status. 
This includes medical clearance, completion of forms and acceptance by the
Mote Marine Laboratory Diving Safety Officer. Divers coming from AAUS 
institutions will need a letter of reciprocity from their Dive Safety 
Officer attesting to their dive status. All divers will have an in-water 
check-out prior to final approval for course diving. Courses in
zoology, microbiology, ecology, chemistry, biochemistry, physiology, 
histology or marine sciences will be very helpful.

Credit: Mote Marine Laboratory does not offer credit, however, it may be
possible to arrange credit through your home institution for directed
research courses, etc. Consult your faculty advisor. It is also possible 
to obtain 3 credit hours from George Mason University, Fairfax, VA. For
information on credit requirements, contact Dr. Peters (epeters2 at
and contact Dr. Jonas (rjonas at registration procedures
and tuition fees.

Costs: The course fee of $1,050.00 US includes all course materials, 
accommodations, meals (dinner, 7/7 through breakfast on 7/15), SCUBA costs 
and weights. Participants should provide mask, fins and snorkel and, if
diving, their own regulator, BCD and weight belt (rentals can be arranged
if required). 

Key  Dates

  30 March,2001 - Application receipt deadline.
  20 April,2001 - Acceptance packets, including dive forms, mailed out.
  31 May,  2001 - Deposit ($300.00) receipt date.
  15 June, 2001 - Last day to withdraw with deposit refund.
                  Balance and dive forms due.
  7 July,  2001 - Course starts.

The application form may be printed from our Website:


For more information, contact:

        Course Director                 email: ctr-info at
        Mote Marine Laboratory
        Center for Tropical Research
        24244 Overseas Highway
        Summerland Key, FL 33042


Erich Mueller, Ph.D., Director      Phone: (305) 745-2729
Mote Marine Laboratory              FAX:   (305) 745-2730
Center for Tropical Research        Email: emueller at
24244 Overseas Highway (US 1)        
Summerland Key, FL   33042 

Center Website->

Mote Marine Laboratory Website->

Remarks are personal opinion and do not reflect institutional
policy unless so indicated.


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