Wallace's Line

Jan Henning Steffen jsteffen at cbn.net.id
Mon Oct 9 06:11:18 UTC 2000

Dear Jeremy,

Unfortunately I will not be able to join your trip from Bali to Lombok, but
I can recommend at least a few books on the issue, which are locally

Field Guide to the Birds of Java and Bali
by John McKinnon
Published by Gadjah Mada Univ. Press in Yogyakarta
383 pp

Another good field guide on the Indonesian Avifauna has apparently been
published in Great Britain about three or four years ago, but I never
managed to get hold of it.

Two excellent volumes of the "Ecology of Indonesia" series will also be of
particular Interest in this respect:

The Ecology of Java and Bali (Vol.2)
T. Whitten, R.E.Soeriaatmadja, S.F.Afiff
Periplus Editions HK Ltd
970 pp

The Ecology of Nusa Tenggara and Maluku
K. Monk, Y. de Fretes, Gayatri R. Lilley
Periplus Editions HK Ltd
966 pp

The better book shops in Denpasar should have them in stock,

sampai jumpa (see you soon) in Bali,



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Jan H. Steffen
Marine Program Advisor
Patra Jasa Building, 2nd Floor, Room II E1
Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav.32-34
Jakarta 12950

Tel.     +62 (21) 522 8031
Tel.     +62 (21) 522 8032
Fax.     +62 (21) 522 8033

E-mail:  jsteffen at cbn.net.id
website: www.kehati.or.id
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

> From: Jeremy Woodley <woodley at uwimona.edu.jm>
> Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2000 10:11:23 -0500 (GMT-0500)
> To: coral-list at coral.aoml.noaa.gov
> Subject: Wallace's Line

> I am sure that many people who are planning to attend the 9th ICRS in Bali
> are aware of the terrestrial biogeographical significance of Bali and
> Lombok. These islands represent the eastern and western extremities of
> shallow platforms, separated by a few miles of deep water, linked
> respectively to Southeast Asia and Australia. The great 19th century
> naturalist, Alfred Wallace, noticed an abrupt change in the bird fauna
> along the islands from Java to Timor, and drew what came to be known as
> "Wallace's Line" between Bali and Lombok.
> Unfortunately, my attendance at the ICRS has been in doubt, or I would
> have tried to organize a brief field trip from the ICRS to explore the
> differences between the two islands' fauna and flora. At this late stage,
> I would ask anyone interested in some informal exploration to contact me
> (directly, of course), particularly if they know of good bird-watching
> localities on the two islands, and a handy field guide to the birds.
> Jeremy Woodley
> PO Box 269, McMaster University,        Tel: (905) 627-0393
> 1280 Main Street West,                  Fax: (905) 627-3966
> Hamilton, ON L8S 1C0,                   woodley at uwimona.edu.jm
> Canada.                                 or chopwood at hwcn.org

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