information on sustainable financing of coral reefs

Manasa Sovaki biodiversity at
Sun Oct 1 23:49:07 UTC 2000

If interested in coral reef extraction in Fiji especially in terms of
volume, species extracted, cost to resource owners and the like, I should be
able to share with you some information.

Manasa Sovaki
Principal Environment officer, FIJ
-----Original Message-----
From: jspurgeo at <jspurgeo at>
To: coral-list at <coral-list at>
Date: Friday, September 22, 2000 8:30 AM
Subject: information on sustainable financing of coral reefs

>Dear Coral Listers
>I am currently undertaking a small research study part funded by the UK
>for International Development on the use of a "Total Economic Value"
>approach to maximise opportunities for sustainable financing of coral reef
>conservation.  The plan is to produce a paper and present a summary of the
>study in Bali (late Oct 2000).  It will be a bit of a review, with a few
>case studies and give some great ideas (hopefully!) for people to tap into
>additional sources of funds.
>I have three requests:
>1) I have collated a number of useful references on sustainable financing
>coral reefs, but would appreciate being made aware of any good
>references/papers/reports etc you have come across/written - particularly
>recent, obscure or unpublished ones.
>2) Any recent information or views on the role of corals in carbon
>sequestration would be extremely useful.
>3) I will be sending out brief email questionnaire surveys to selected
>individuals involved in managing coral reefs and/or with responsibilities
>for securing finances for them.  If anyone feels that they could usefully
>contribute and would like to receive a questionnaire, please let me know.
>(Alternatively, simply write to me with your views/ideas).
>Please feel free to contact me direct.
>(If wanted I'll post a summary of responses?)
>Many thanks for your help
>James Spurgeon
>Principal Environmental Economist/Scientist
>Gibb Ltd
>London Rd
>RG6 1BL
>Tel:     44 (0)118 9635000
>Fax:   44 (0)118 9263888
>Email: jspurgeo at
>This e-mail does not give rise to any binding legal obligation upon
>GIBB Ltd or any affiliate unless such company subsequently confirms
>the contents in writing, non-electronically. This e-mail may
>be confidential, legally privileged or otherwise protected in law.
>Unauthorised disclosure or copying of any or all of it may be
>unlawful. If you receive this e-mail in error please contact the
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