Orange Montastrea cavernosa recruits?
Charles Mazel
mazel at
Thu Jul 27 13:26:26 UTC 2000
There is a 1968 PhD dissertation (Stanford University) by Vicki Mabel Buchsbaum titled 'Behavioral and Physiological Responses to Light by the Sea Anemone Anthopleura elegantissima as Related to its Algal Symbionts'. A significant portion of this thesis is addressed at the green fluorescence in this anemone, including experimental manipulations, and a brief discussion of fluorescence in other West Coast anemones. Buchsbaum made the observation that the fluorescence only seemed to be associated with zooxanthellate specimens.
Charlie Mazel
Charles Mazel
Principal Research Scientist
Physical Sciences Inc.
20 New England Business Center
Andover, MA 01810
(978) 689-0003
(978) 689-3232 (fax)
>>> Don McAllister <mcall at> 07/27/00 07:57AM >>>
Some sea anemones in thePacific Northwest and British Columbia have
symbiotic algae, so perhaps those species might fluoresce.
The aggregating anemone Anthopleura elegantissima has zooxanthellae and
zoochlorellae and the giant green anemone, A. xanthogrammica, also has these
two symbionts according to Rita and Charles O'Clair in Southeast Alaska's
Rocy Shores - Animals.
Don McAllister
Ocean Voice International
Mike and Marelet Kirda wrote:
> At 06:32 AM 7/26/2000 -1000, J. Charles Delbeek wrote:
> >On Wed, 26 Jul 2000, kenyon mobley wrote:
> >
> >I have seen it in Tubastraea micranthum, it fluoresces green. Also in
> >deepwater solitary corals from Japan and also from Monterey Bay canyon.
> >
> So far, I have seen it only in zooxanthellate corals. I believe I have
> seen some in anemones from the pacific NW region of the US and Canada.
> This is not a whole animal sort of fluoresence that you see in
> zooxanthellate corals though. It seems limited to certain areas.
> Sorry I can't be more specific- I have not regularly observed these
> animals at Shedd Aquarium for a couple of years...
> Regards.
> Mike Kirda
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