Coral Reef Fellowship Opportunity: Final Notice
Steven Miller
smiller at
Thu Dec 14 20:26:26 UTC 2000
This is the final notice for the 2001 ISRS/CMC Coral Reef Fellowship.
Funds are available ($15,000) to support one Ph.D. student in the
general area of coral reef ecosystem research. Details and application
information are provided below. Submission deadline is January 31,
The International Society for Reef Studies
and the Center for Marine Conservation
2001 Graduate Fellowship for Coral Reef Research
The 2001 Guidelines are organized by:
Background and Fellowship Goals
Who can apply?
Application materials
Background and Fellowship Goals
Coral reefs are among the most diverse ecosystems on the planet, they
are globally distributed, and they support various aspects of coastal
economies. Yet coral reefs are widely recognized to be in decline and
studies are needed to provide information to manage and understand
processes that cause coral reef change. Funds are available, US$15,000,
to support one Ph.D. student in the general area of coral reef ecosystem
research. The focus of the Fellowship is to understand and predict coral
reef response to management or disturbance-caused change (human-caused
or natural). Research supported by the Fellowship should emphasize an
ecosystem approach. For example, projects that focus on factors that
control productivity, nutrient dynamics, carbonate accretion or erosion,
fisheries, or the effects of exploitation of coral reef resources are
examples of suitable topics. Projects that address such issues within
the context of marine reserves are especially suitable for Fellowship
support. Projects are not limited to these topics, but research should
increase understanding of reef function that is relevant to management
at local, regional, or global scales.
Who can apply?
The Fellowship is available to students, worldwide, who are already
admitted to a graduate program at an accredited university. The intent
of the fellowship is to help Ph.D. students develop skills and to
address problems related to relevant applications of coral reef
ecosystem research and management. The Fellowship can be used to support
salary, travel, fieldwork, or laboratory analyses. The student can work
entirely at the host university, or can split time between developed and
developing country universities.
Application materials
A three page proposal, using 12 font or larger, double spaced, in
English, is required from prospective fellowship candidates: proposals
that do not meet these criteria may be returned. The proposal should
include the following sections:
1. Overview: The overview starts with the Proposal Title, Author Name,
Author Address, Major Professor Name, Major Professor's Address (if
different than the Author's), and total amount in the budget request.
The overview places the proposed research in context with existing
literature and local needs.
2. Methods: The methods section includes hypotheses, methods, and
experimental design - including details about how data will be analyzed;
3. Results: The results section discusses how the work is relevant to
host country management and science issues. This section also includes
evidence of host country coordination (e.g. identification of
individuals or programs that will benefit from
your results);
The following two sections are required but not count against the three
page limit:
4. Detailed Budget: The budget must not exceed $15,000. Details about
cost sharing relevant to the project are included in this section; and
5. Literature Cited: Use a bibliographic format that includes full
titles in the citations.
An electronic version (any standard word processing format is
acceptable) and three written copies of the proposal must be provided.
Electronic submission via email is acceptable but written copies must
also be received by the deadline (see below). The student's major
professor must submit a support letter for the project based on their
knowledge of the project, and familiarity with the student's background
and abilities. The major professor should also submit a short (3 page)
CV - electronic submission of the letter and CV is preferred, but
written versions are acceptable. If work will be conducted at a second
university, a support letter is required from the sponsoring professor.
Applications will be reviewed by a panel with ISRS and CMC participants.
EVALUATION CRITERIA INCLUDE: scientific merit, feasibility, support
letter from major professor, cost sharing, host country coordination,
and relevancy to the Fellowship guidelines.
Administration of the Fellowship
The International Society for Reef Studies (ISRS) and the Center for
Marine Conservation (CMC) support the Fellowship through professional
and administrative contributions. The mission of the ISRS is to promote
for the benefit of the public, the production and dissemination of
scientific knowledge and understanding concerning coral reefs, both
living and fossil. The CMC is committed to protecting ocean environments
and conserving the global abundance and diversity of marine life.
Through science-based advocacy, research, and public education, CMC
promotes informed citizen participation to reverse the degradation of
our oceans.
Application materials should be submitted to:
Dr. Peter J. Edmunds
Department of Biology
California State University
18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330
Phone: 818-677-2502
Fax: 818-677-2034
email: peter.edmunds at
(Award to be made by April 16, 2001)
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