Nutrient enrichment references

Leandra Cho leancho at
Wed Dec 9 19:46:21 UTC 1998

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Hi coral-listers,

Thanks all for the leads on nutrient enrichment references. I have
compiled a list gathered from my search. I hope others will find it as
useful as I did!

They are:

Hatcher and Larkum (1983) Journal of Exp. Biol. and Ecol. vol. 69 :61-84.

Larkum (1994) Mar. Poll. Bull. 29: 112-120

Chapman and Cragie (1977) Mar. Biol. 40: 197-205

Proceedings of the 8th ICRS (1996) Nutrient dynamics and coral reef
ecosystems section Vol 1 from pg 851-

Kinsey and Domm (1974) Proceeds of the 2nd ICRS Vol 1

Larned and Stimson (1998) in the most recent issue of Marine Biology vol

Thanks again!

Leandra Cho
graduate student
University of the West Indies
Kingston, Jamaica

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