Need UW Survey Equipment in St. Kitts

CoralReefA at CoralReefA at
Mon Aug 31 17:05:12 UTC 1998

Dear Sir, Madam,

	The French Mission here in St Kitts is tryin to set up a marine park in

collaboration with the local authorities. As part of this project, we will

also set up a reef monitoring system. 

	For this reason, we have choosen the transect method but we need to know

where to get the equipment needed (Secchi Disk, refractometer for salinity

tests, thermometer (pressure and water resistant), tablets for

underwaternotes.....and every other equipment needed.

	If you had any information or idea about the way we would be able to get

this equipment (and the price also) (addresses, names and phone numbers of

companies the Caribbean if possible, otherwise in the USA), I would

be very pleased if you could let it us know.

	We look forward to hearing from you soon and we thank you in advance.

		Best Regards

									B. ROUHAN

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