Cape Verde Island Bleaching?

Prof Alan E Strong strong at
Fri Oct 31 03:30:58 UTC 1997


My earlier note on possible coral reef bleaching in the vicinity of the
Maldives was incorrect [The map I had referred to was the ReefBase (CIA?)
chart that named the islands off Dakar as the Canaries...I knew that was
wrong!...but they weren't the Maldives either!] ... the HotSpots we are
watching from high SST data over the past few weeks are close to the Cape
Verde Islands! off West Africa.

Any info from local sources would be appreciated.  Please excuse the
earlier incorrect reference to Maldives.

Al Strong

**** <>< ******* <>< ******* <>< ******* <>< ******* <>< ******* <>< *****
				Alan E. Strong
Phys Scientist/Oceanographer			  Adj Assoc Professor
  NOAA/NESDIS/ORA/ORAD -- E/RA3			    US Naval Academy
  NOAA Science Center -- RM 711H		    Oceanography Department
 -- US Postal Service --  -- UPS/FedEx --           Annapolis, MD 21402
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 Washington, DC 20233-9910			     strong at
		Alan.E.Strong at	
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