Thanks to Jim Hendee

Mark Eakin eakin at
Mon May 19 12:49:25 UTC 1997

        Reply to:   RE>Thanks to Jim Hendee

I echo Judy's sentiments.  Having provided the initial funding that provided
for the coral-list and CHAMP web site, I have considered that Jim's efforts
have been among the best dollars I have ever spent as a program manager.

Keep up the good work, Jim.  Until the problem is solved, I can delete a few
errant e-mails.

Cheers, Mark

Date: 5/19/97 12:30 PM
To: Mark Eakin
From: Judith C. Lang
Dear All,
       No human-based technology works perfectly all the time. I suspect
the recent silence of most of the subscribers to the coral-list means that
we are satisfied its benefits far outweigh the occasional glitches. Lest
Jim not think his efforts on everyone's behalf are appreciated, I wish to
proclaim my gratitude for his leadership and perseverence.
Judy Lang

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Subject: Thanks to Jim Hendee
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