Venezuela, fudena, and Reef Check 97

Fundacion para la Defensa de la Naturaleza FUDENA fudena at
Tue Mar 4 12:38:00 UTC 1997

Dear mr. Wadell,

I am very interested in participating in the "Reef check 97 programme". At this
moment there are volunteers available for this project, but we are in need of
material and if possible also funding. I would be very grateful if you could
send me some info on the project.
I have not received anything yet. You would so kind you send me the information
by fax. Thank you very much in advance, 
Sincerely yours,

Evaristo Caraballo
Coastal and Marine Projects Coordinator


Fundacion para la Defensa de la Naturaleza 
Apartado 70376. Caracas 1071-A. Venezuela 
Tel. 238-1720/1761/1793 
Fax. 2382139/2396547 
E-mail: fudena at


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