
Coral Health and Monitoring Program coral at aoml.noaa.gov
Fri Aug 8 13:50:00 UTC 1997

Dear Coral-Listers,

	Please be advised that the majordomo listserver software, as we
have implemented it, does not have a "suspend" command.  If you wish to
temporarily discontinue receiving messages, you must unsubscribe, then
subscribe again later, as described in the attached original Welcome
Message, which you should all have received upon subscribing.  Also please
note that messages for subscribing and unsubscribing must go to:

	majordomo at coral.aoml.noaa.gov

and NOT to coral-list at coral.aoml.noaa.gov; otherwise, your "unsubscribe"
or "subscribe" message will go to all 714 members of the list.

Thank you so much for your attention, patience and cooperation.


	Jim Hendee
	coral-list administrator
-------------- next part --------------

Welcome to the Coral Health and Monitoring List-Server!

	The purpose of the Coral Health and Monitoring list-server is to
provide a forum for Internet discussions and announcements among coral
health researchers pertaining to coral reef health and monitoring
throughout the world.  The list is primarily for use by coral health
researchers and scientists.  Currently, about 800 researchers are
subscribed to the list.  Appropriate subjects for discussion might

	o  bleaching events
	o  outbreaks of coral diseases
	o  high predation on coral reefs
	o  environmental monitoring sites
	o  incidences of coral spawnings
	o  shipwrecks on reefs
	o  international meetings and symposia
	o  funding opportunities
	o  marine sanctuary news
	o  new coral-related publications
	o  announcements of college courses in coral reef ecology
	o  coral health initiatives
	o  new and historical data availability
	o  controversial topics in coral reef ecology
	o  recent reports on coral research

-- To Subscribe to the List --

	Since you just got this message, you are already subscribed to the
list!  However, if you wish to instruct others how to subscribe to the
list, have them send e-mail to majordomo at coral.aoml.noaa.gov, with the
following message (only!) in the body of the text:

	subscribe coral-list

-- To Un-Subscribe from the List --

	To un-subscribe from the list, send e-mail to
majordomo at coral.aoml.noaa.gov, with the following message (only!) in the
body of the text:

	unsubscribe coral-list "Your Name" <your_address at your.domain>

-- To Post a Comment or Announcement --

	To post a message to the list, simply address your comments or
announcements to coral-list at coral.aoml.noaa.gov.  The message will be
circulated to all members of the list.  The members may respond to you
directly, or post their comments to the list for all to read.

-- Help --

	To see a list of the functions and services available from the
list-server, send an e-mail message to majordomo at coral.aoml.noaa.gov, with
the following message (only!) in the body of the text:


-- Other Coral Health Related Information --

        The Coral Health and Monitoring Program (CHAMP) has a World-Wide
Web Home Page at the following URL:


-- Add your name to the Coral Researchers Directory! --

	After you read this message, you may wish to add your name to the
Coral Researchers Directory.  To do so, send the following information to
lagoon at coral.aoml.noaa.gov, with your name (Last Name, First Name) in the
Subject: line of your message:

Name:		(How you'd like it to appear, e.g., Vice Pres. Al Gore)
Institution:	(or N/A)
Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:
Address Line 3:
State or Province:
Business Phone:
Business Fax:
Other info:	(Add up to, say, 20 lines, if you'd like.)

-- Etiquette --

1)  When responding to a posting to the list, do not respond
	*back* to the entire list unless you feel it is an
	answer everyone can benefit from.  I think this is
	usually the case, but responses such as, "Yeah, tell
	me, too!" to the entire list will make you unpopular
	in a hurry.  Double-check your "To: " line before

2) Do not "flame" (i.e., scold) colleagues via the coral-list.  If
	you feel compelled to chastise someone, please send them
	mail directly and flame away.

3) Please conduct as much preliminary research into a topic
	as possible before posting a query to the list. (In
	other words, you shouldn't expect others to do your
	research for you.) Please consider:

	o  Your librarian (an extremely valuable resource)
	o  The CHAMP Literature Abstracts area at the CHAMP Web:
	o  The CHAMP Online Researcher's Directory
		(i.e., search for your topic, ask the
		experts directly)
	o  The CHAMP (and other) Web sites' links page(s)

  But please *do* avail yourself of the list when you've exhausted
	other sources.

4)  Please carefully consider the purpose of the coral-list
	before posting a message.  This is a forum comprised
	primarily of researchers who devote major portions
	of their work time to the study of corals or
	coral-related issues.

5)  Succinct postings are greatly appreciated by all.

-- Problems --

	If you have any problems concerning the list, please feel free to
drop a line to:  hendee at aoml.noaa.gov.

	We hope you enjoy the list!

	Sincerely yours,

	Jim Hendee
	Louis Florit
	Philippe Dubosq

        Ocean Chemistry Division
        Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory
        National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
        4301 Rickenbacker Causeway
        Miami, FL  33149-1026

More information about the Coral-List mailing list