Snorkelling sites in the Keys (fwd)

Mike Marshall marshall at
Thu Jan 18 17:53:15 UTC 1996

Coral List, 

Any good advice on this request would be appreciated.  Please send  
answers directly to Dr. Spears. 


Mike Marshall 

     MJM/MARBIO lstowner. 

  Michael J. Marshall, Ph.D. 
  Mote Marine Laboratory              marshall at              
  Tropical Marine Ecology Program     941-388-4441/941-388-4312(fax) 
  1600 Thompson Parkway                     
  Sarasota, Florida 34236 USA          
Mote Marine Lab is an independent, not-for-profit research organization     

---------- Forwarded message ---------- 
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 1996 22:01:41 -0500 
From: Gene Spears <spears at> 
To: Multiple recipients of list ECOLOG-L <ECOLOG-L at UMDD.UMD.EDU> 
Subject: Snorkelling sites in the Keys 

    A colleague & I just finished a field course in Florida & as 
aprt of the course, took our students to the Pennycamp State Park on Key 
Largo.  Fish diversity was high, though the reef seemed to be in rough 
shape, and the experience was worthwhile, but rather expensive for a class 
of eight.  Can anyone suggest snorkelling spots off the Keys that don't 
require a boat trip, i.e. park and snorkel spots? 

spears at 

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