meugenia at cica.es meugenia at cica.es
Mon Dec 2 20:22:58 UTC 1996

                       Sorry for cross-posting 


      ZOEA is a Newsletter intended for all workers interested in  
crustacean larval development. ZOEA is a newsletter rather than a  
scientific journal. Publication started in January 1994. Since this  
moment, more than 1000 issue copies have been distributed to worldwide.  
At present, it  is published twice yearly, in spring and autumn. 
      Primary contents of ZOEA include short communications,  
announcements, request for information, lists of recent publications,  
posters and oral presentations in meetings, works in progress,  
abstracts of doctoral theses, and a research directory. 
      ZOEA will hopefully serve as both "a platform for fruitful  
discussion and exchange of ideas among carcinologists interested in  
aspects of larval development", as Klaus Anger proposed in ZOEA's  
inaugural issue, and a clearinghouse of information regarding both  
research and researchers. 
       At present, most of ZOEA members are working on decapod larvae (61 %), 
 followed  those studying copepod larvae (8.4 %), zooplankton (5.2 %), cirripeds 
  (3 %), mysids  (1 %) and others (20 %). Geographically, they are 
 distributed as follows: Europe (38 %), Asia (29 %), North-America (21 
 %), South-America (11 %), Oceania (4%) and Africa (3 %). As you can 
 see, it would be desirable that ZOEA Newsletter arrives to a wider of 
 specialists interested in the larval biology of different crustacean 
 groups. So, it may be a good idea to make ZOEA known to other 
 colleagues and promote the creation of a major forum for many aspects 
 of the larval development in crustaceans.  ZOEA's scope is very broad 
 with respect to taxonomy (all of Crustacea), geography (worlwide) 
 and biological discipline. 
       Subscriptons to ZOEA (15 U.S. $ or 1000 Spanish pesetas per  
year) is possible by: personal check (U.S. Bank), international  
postal giro, or credit card (VISA, MASTER-CARD). 
       For more information, please don't hesitate to contact the editors  
or regional editors.  


            Jose A. Cuesta 
Dept. Ecologia, Fac. Biologia, Apdo. 1095, 41080-Sevilla (Spain)       
e-mail: mariscal at cica.es 

            Dr. Pablo J. Lopez-Gonzalez 
Laboratorio Biologia Marina, Fac. Biologia, Apdo. 1095, 41080-Sevilla (Spain) 
e-mail: meugenia at cica.es 

             J.I. Gonzalez-Gordillo 
Inst. Cienc. Mar. Andalucia, Apdo. Oficial, 11510-Puerto Real, Cadiz (Spain) 
e-mail: nacho.gonzalez at icman.csic.es 

Reginal Editors 

   North America 
          Dr. A.H. Harvey 
Dept. Invertebrates. American Museum of Natural History, 79th Street  
at Central Park West, New York, NY 10024, USA 
e-mail: aharvey at amnh.org 

    South America 
           Dr. A. Fransozo & Dr. M.L. Negreiros-Fransozo 
Dept. Zoologia, NEBECC, IB, UNESP, Campus de Botucatu, Caixa Postal  
502, Cep 18618-000, Botucatu, Sau Paulo, Brazil. 
FAX:    +55-149213744 

    North Africa & Near East            
           Dr. A.M. Al-Aidaroos 
Fac. Marine Science, King Abdulaziz Univ. P.O. Box 1540, Jeddah  
21441, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 
FAX:   +966-26401747 

    Looking forward to hearing from you, with your contributions and  


       The Editors 

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